It looks like we have fully entered the season of sweets! Halloween season kicks off the sweets, and then it just seems to keep rolling to Thanksgiving, picking up speed all the way through Christmas and the New Year!
If you’re counting weeks, you will likely feel that you are battling the sugar parade for at least 12 weeks. Wow, that is three straight months!!!
Not only does all this sugar affect your waistline and how you feel, but it also affects your teeth. Cavities are a concern for you and your child when sugary sweets are a regular part of your diet.
At Riverside Dental we aren’t suggesting that you never consume sugary foods, but there are some things that you can do to help your teeth stay healthy.
Limiting Your Sugar Exposure
The frequency at which your teeth are being exposed to sugar is a significant factor in the demineralization process. Every time you consume drinks or foods, it takes your body 20-40 minutes to neutralize back to a healthy environment where you aren’t in the cavity zone.
If you consume a donut, then 30 minutes later you drink a coffee with sugar and creamer, and then 30 minutes later you have a candy bar, your mouth will be in the demineralization phase for at least an hour and a half. If you constantly snack between meals, you could be in this phase all day long, which is very hard on your teeth.
Ideally, eat your candy when you’re already eating a meal. Then try limiting your snacking between meals, and your teeth will be much happier!
Good Home Care
Keeping your teeth clean by removing the plaque that builds on them is essential in preventing cavities. Good home care includes daily routines of plaque removal. These are great ways to keep your mouth clean:
- Brushing twice a day
- Flossing at least once a day
- Swishing with mouth rinse
- Using an electric toothbrush
Increase Water Consumption
Drinking enough water is very important for your dental health. Water helps to lubricate your gum tissue and clean your teeth. It keeps your mouth moisturized and feeling fresh.
Studies show that the average person does not drink enough water. Most people consume more pop and coffee than they do water. This problem is that pop and coffee often contain sugar while water does not. Water can even be used to swish your mouth out after you consume sugar. This helps to flush things out and will leave your mouth feeling fresh.
A good guide to how much water you should be drinking per day is to take your weight in pounds and divide it in half. This is how many ounces of water you should consume in a day. For example, if you weigh 150 pounds, an excellent daily water intake goal would be 75 ounces.
Visiting Your Dentist
Routine care and checkups for your teeth are important. We recommend visiting your dentist once every six months for teeth cleanings, dental exams, and regular x-rays. If any cavities have developed, it is crucial to catch them earlier rather than later. Through routine dental exams and x-rays, your dentist can ensure that your teeth are healthy and that there are no signs of decay.
Remember, it’s not that you can’t have a treat. Rather be mindful of how often you are consuming treats and how you can care for your teeth after you finish a treat. We hope that you enjoy your holidays, and if you have any questions or concerns about your teeth, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Riverside Dental.
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