DIY, also known as do-it-yourself, has made its way into many things these days. Whether you want to learn to paint, change the oil in your car, or sharpen your lawn mower blades, there is likely a video on how to do that. When you last visited your dentist, perhaps you noticed that the instrument […]
All You Need to Know About Dental Veneers
What was the last investment that you made? Many consider picking out their next car, television, or Nike shoes as an investment. Did you know that your smile is also an investment? When investing in your teeth and restorations like dental veneers, it is crucial to understand that the things you do as part of […]
Chipped Tooth? What Are Your Options?
A chipped tooth is likely to cause some panic, especially if it’s your front tooth. If this happens to you, the best thing to do is call your dentist and let them know what happened. They will likely ask if you are in pain and schedule you for an appointment at their office. In most […]
Can Dental Crowns Last a Lifetime?
Anytime you are faced with decision-making, there are likely are specific questions that frame your decision making process. What is required? What will this investment cost? How long will it last? Making decisions regarding your dental health is really no different, and you will probably be asking yourself many of these same questions. When getting […]
Why Teeth Whitening Is Best Left to Professionals
Have your pearly whites lost their luster? Tea, coffee, wine, food, and tobacco products are just a few things that can cause staining or yellowing of your teeth. Avoiding these substances can help further discoloration, but who wants to give up their favorite food and drinks? Thankfully there are many solutions to returning your teeth […]
Why Do Some People Get More Cavities Than Others?
Cavities are caused by a specific type of bacteria known as Streptococcus Mutans. This bacteria feeds off sugars, and when it does this, it also produces an acidic byproduct. The acidic byproduct can damage your teeth and lead to cavities. You’ve probably heard your dentist say that good home care and eating a healthy diet […]
Give Yourself the Gift of a Confident Smile!
December is here! Did you know that we have officially entered the greatest giving season of the year? Most of this season you will probably spend time and money buying gifts for others. It’s no wonder that gift cards, books, designer clothes, and toys make fabulous gifts, but have you ever considered that every day […]
Struggling With Dry Mouth? 5 Tips to Stop Dry Mouth!
Ever feel like you have cotton balls in your mouth? If so, you were likely experiencing what we call “dry mouth.” For anyone who has experienced dry mouth, you know that dry mouth isn’t a comfortable feeling. Dry mouth can lead to your tissue and teeth feeling sticky. This can make talking feel more challenging […]
What Are White Dental Fillings? Are They Better Than Silver?
Prior to the 1960s, silver fillings were pretty much your only choice of filling. Fortunately, today we have filling options and one of those options is to get a composite, which is more commonly referred to as a white filling. There are more differences between white and silver fillings than their color. The materials that […]
6 Tips to Keep Your Dentures Clean and Long-Lasting
Your dentures are in, and you love your new smile and confidence boost! We all know that nothing lasts forever, so how can you be sure to make your dentures long-lasting? The key to long-lasting dentures is in how you care for them. Taking the time and effort to care for dentures is not a […]