Chances are we all can recall a time when we were alarmed by our own breath. Perhaps you still can recall that moment quite clearly. Sometimes it is a distinct smell that we can pinpoint and other times it seems to strike us out of the blue with no definite reason. It may seem strange […]
Answers From Your Dentist: Can Tooth Enamel Be Restored?
Our bodies naturally have many self-healing properties. Remember that paper cut or canker sore that has plagued you in the past? Day-to-day, it’s easy for us to forget such things because our body naturally heals and recovers from these problems. That’s not the case for everything though and it’s especially not the case for the […]
Customize Your Smile With A Tooth Tattoo
Personalization has made its way into every nook and cranny of our lives. We personalize our face masks, our bath towels, and even our license plates. Did you know that you can even personalize your dental crown? We’re not kidding. You really can personalize your crown, it’s like a tattoo for your tooth! What Is […]
Answers From Your Dentist: What’s The Purpose Of Tooth Shaving?
Chances are that most of us have personal experience with fillings, crowns, and teeth whitening. If you don’t have the experience, you probably know a family member or friend who does. While these three seem to be the commonly talked about terms in dental, there are many other “normal” dental procedures that you may have […]
Can Cosmetic Dentistry Fix An Overbite & Underbite?
Some dental patients that have overbite or underbite are concerned with how they can correct their smiles. Visually they may have crooked teeth, but there is more going on than just a little misalignment. Defining Overbite And Underbite What Is The Best Treatment For Overbite And Underbite? When To Seek Treatment For Overbite And Underbite […]
Can You Blame Your Parents For Bad Teeth?
Regular good dental hygiene can do a lot to protect your teeth from cavities, gum disease, and other oral health issues. However, healthy brushing habits and regular dental visits don’t mean you can’t still have bad teeth, and some people wonder if that is due to their parents. Our genetics can play a significant role […]
Why Teeth Turn Yellow
When you’re surrounded by a sea of advertisements and other media showing only perfectly even, white-toothed smiles, having teeth that are yellow can be embarrassing. There is implied judgment—i.e., teeth aren’t brushed enough—but there can be many reasons behind having yellow teeth. As your local judgment-free dentist clinics, our dentists at Riverside Dental Care are […]
Some Teeth Just Wear Out. What You Can Do To Take Back Your Smile
Most people will have all their permanent teeth—excluding wisdom teeth—around 12-13 years old. As the average American life expectancy is just under 80 years old, that is a long time for your teeth to hold up. And in some cases, your teeth may wear down over the intervening years. Some things like tooth decay, genetics, […]
We Want to Make You Smile! Let Us Help You Smile Again
There’s nothing quite like the sound a tooth makes when it gets chipped or cracked, or the instant flood of dread that fills you when you hear and feel your teeth take damage. Even worse, you may have been doing something very innocuous when your tooth became chipped or cracked. Often, cracked or chipped teeth […]
Traditional Veneers Vs. Composite Veneers
Veneers are an excellent option to help revitalize your smile. Whether you have a gap between your teeth or you want to change the overall shape of your teeth, veneers can make that happen. However, when people first come in for their cosmetic dentistry consultation to discuss veneers, many of them are surprised that there […]