Do you ever have those nights where you wish you could just push a button and be in bed? Brushing your teeth and washing your face are often the steps of a bedtime routine that can easily be pushed aside when you’re feeling too exhausted. You might wonder, is brushing before bedtime necessary when you […]
June is National Smiles Month!
May will shortly be turning into June. And June is an exciting month for us at Riverside Dental Care because it is national smiles month! This national campaign encourages dental offices, schools, and other health professionals to share the importance of good oral health. Statistics show some pretty significant numbers relating to oral health, such […]
What Are The Different Types of Dentures Now?
While you might be thinking of dentures as one type fits all, many different types of dentures are available today. We can offer our dental patients many options for partial or complete mouth teeth replacement, thanks to dental technology. Which Denture Is Right For You? At Riverside Dental, our dentists specialize in finding the best […]
Celebrating Root Canal Day
Did you know that an actual day is recognized as “root canal” day? Most people aren’t aware that May 11th this year is recognized as root canal day. Don’t feel bad if you didn’t know either. What Are Root Canals? It may seem cliche to be celebrating root canal day. After all, aren’t root canals […]
Simple Habits to get into to save your natural teeth
If you knew what simple steps would keep you away from cavities, gum disease, oral cancer, and chipped teeth, would you make sure to do those steps? While we can’t guarantee that you will never experience oral diseases, studies and history show us that certain behaviors increase your chances of healthy teeth and lower your […]
Benefits of Caring For Your Teeth
Ignoring your oral health may feel like no big deal. While missing a day or two of brushing or flossing probably won’t be a big deal, a bad habit of neglecting to brush or flossing long-term can harm your teeth and gum tissue. Not only can bacteria get out of control and cause you bad […]
How to protect your teeth during activities
Do you or your kids play sports? Dental injuries are a common thing when it comes to playing sports. Cracking or knocking out a tooth has become a reality for some kids and adults while playing sports. Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be a reality for you or your child. Most Common Dental Emergencies Dental […]
What are oral cancer screenings?
Did you know that approximately 50,000 new cases of oral cancer are diagnosed each year? Cancer can be a scary word, but we know that the best way to catch it is in its early stages when it comes to cancer. This means that we need to be routinely checking our patients for oral cancer […]
What to Expect With Dental Extractions
Hearing you need a dental extraction may be a shock. You might find yourself with questions like “Why do I need an extraction?” and “Is this going to hurt?” Rest assured, dental extractions may initially seem scary or like all hope is lost, but you and your mouth are in good hands! What Is A […]
What to Expect With Dental Fillings
Did you know that dental fillings are the number one restorative treatment done in dental offices? While we all would love perfectly healthy teeth, sometimes imbalances happen, and we find our teeth needing some additional attention. When Do You Need A Dental Filling? While there are many possible reasons you need a filling, the most […]