You just got the reminder call from your dentist that your dental appointment is coming up later this week. Do you find yourself suddenly changing what you have been doing in hopes that all will be good in your mouth by the time you are at your dental appointment? If so, you’re not alone! Many […]
What Can I Eat After a Dental Cleaning?
Do you love that smooth, slippery feeling on your teeth when you walk out of your dental appointment? Many people are surprised by how quickly their fresh feeling teeth seem to transition into feeling that they’ve grown a fuzzy coat on them. This feeling is just a normal part of eating food and bacteria getting […]
Should I Change My Toothbrush After Being Sick
January and February can be challenging times for our immune systems. Viruses seem to be at their peak during these months, and cold, flu and COVID season are in full force here in Utah. If only we could dodge all the virus and bacteria bugs, wouldn’t life be easy? The thing is that viruses and […]
Flu Like Symptoms After Teeth Cleaning
George had a dental appointment yesterday, and he soon after noticed feelings of nausea, fever, and pain. Could these flu-like symptoms be related to his dental work? These flu-like symptoms may result from his dental work. Though flu-like symptoms are not expected following a teeth cleaning, they are possible. When flu-like symptoms occur, they can […]
Recovering From Wisdom Teeth Extractions
Wisdom teeth extractions are a common procedure in dentistry. Getting your wisdom teeth extracted is a pretty simple procedure, although, as with most things, there are a few risks involved. Understanding a few basics about the surgery and implementing the post-op instructions can help the process to go smoother for you. What To Expect After […]
The Tooth Extraction Process
If you find yourself needing a tooth extraction, it’s very normal to initially experience feelings of nervousness. While a tooth extraction can feel like an extensive procedure, it is actually a common procedure in the dental office. Knowledge can be powerful in that understanding extractions may help put your nerves at ease. Keep reading to […]
How to Deal with Dry Mouth
It’s normal for your mouth to feel dry every once in a while. Dry mouth can be caused by many different things, and when short-lived, it shouldn’t be something to stress over. Consistent dry mouth or dry mouth that doesn’t go away after intervention may lead to more serious problems. Saliva is very important in […]
Can Dental Crowns Last a Lifetime?
Anytime you are faced with decision-making, there are likely are specific questions that frame your decision making process. What is required? What will this investment cost? How long will it last? Making decisions regarding your dental health is really no different, and you will probably be asking yourself many of these same questions. When getting […]
Why Teeth Whitening Is Best Left to Professionals
Have your pearly whites lost their luster? Tea, coffee, wine, food, and tobacco products are just a few things that can cause staining or yellowing of your teeth. Avoiding these substances can help further discoloration, but who wants to give up their favorite food and drinks? Thankfully there are many solutions to returning your teeth […]
Why Do Some People Get More Cavities Than Others?
Cavities are caused by a specific type of bacteria known as Streptococcus Mutans. This bacteria feeds off sugars, and when it does this, it also produces an acidic byproduct. The acidic byproduct can damage your teeth and lead to cavities. You’ve probably heard your dentist say that good home care and eating a healthy diet […]