December is here! Did you know that we have officially entered the greatest giving season of the year? Most of this season you will probably spend time and money buying gifts for others. It’s no wonder that gift cards, books, designer clothes, and toys make fabulous gifts, but have you ever considered that every day […]
9 Tips to Improve Your Teeth and Gums
Maintaining your gums and teeth doesn’t have to be as complicated or as dreadful as you may think. Making minor improvements can go a long way towards helping you eliminate cavities and gum disease. Attaining good oral health is much like having good overall health. It comes down to being intentional about doing a few […]
Its Time to Schedule End of Year Exams!
There is no denying that we are heading into a busy season with Thanksgiving and Christmas right around the corner. Perhaps you are thinking, I just want to get through the holidays, and then I will give my teeth the attention they need. It’s easy to want to push off that recommended treatment last time […]
Dental Hygienist Appreciation Month
It’s that time of year where we get to highlight and thank a very valuable part of our dental team, our dental hygienists! When it comes to your time in our dental office, have you realized that you spend more time with our dental hygienists than with any other professional in the dental office? If […]
Everything You Need to Know About X-Rays
X-rays are an essential part of your dental visit. They help our dental team see in detail what can’t always be seen by just looking in your mouth. Did you know that without dental x-rays, it is impossible to give an accurate diagnosis of cavities or gum health? X-rays help us to see the details, […]
The Importance of Gum Health
When you look at someone’s smile, what do you notice first? Studies show that most people focus on someone’s teeth because they are most conscientious about their own teeth when it comes to their smile. Focusing on your teeth isn’t a bad thing because your teeth do a lot of work for you after all. […]
Struggling With Dry Mouth? 5 Tips to Stop Dry Mouth!
Ever feel like you have cotton balls in your mouth? If so, you were likely experiencing what we call “dry mouth.” For anyone who has experienced dry mouth, you know that dry mouth isn’t a comfortable feeling. Dry mouth can lead to your tissue and teeth feeling sticky. This can make talking feel more challenging […]
What Are White Dental Fillings? Are They Better Than Silver?
Prior to the 1960s, silver fillings were pretty much your only choice of filling. Fortunately, today we have filling options and one of those options is to get a composite, which is more commonly referred to as a white filling. There are more differences between white and silver fillings than their color. The materials that […]
6 Tips to Keep Your Dentures Clean and Long-Lasting
Your dentures are in, and you love your new smile and confidence boost! We all know that nothing lasts forever, so how can you be sure to make your dentures long-lasting? The key to long-lasting dentures is in how you care for them. Taking the time and effort to care for dentures is not a […]
Pros and Cons of Dental Crowns
Dental crowns are nothing new in dentistry as they have been around for a while. Keep reading to see if getting a crown is a good option for you. If you find yourself in need of a dental crown, knowing the pros and cons can help you make the best decision for yourself. What Is […]