So it’s been a while since you’ve been to the dentist. Perhaps financial reasons, fear, moving, or just plain time passing by has kept you from the dentist. The most important thing for you to know is that you’re not alone. This is actually a common occurrence and as dental professionals we want you to […]
Why And How To Switch Your Dentist
Moving to a new dental office may feel intimidating or even awkward, but it doesn’t need to be this way. When it comes to dentistry, it’s important that you have confidence in your dentist as well as his or her team. After all you are investing time and money into their practice and should want […]
Make Sure To Use Your Dental Benefits Before The End Of The Year!
Most Americans are all about a great deal. We’ve all seen the crazy Black Friday lines that wrap around parking lots and have die-hard shoppers standing in line for hours just to grab a special on the latest gadget. They are determined to spend hours of their time to save some money and claim their […]
5 Amazing Benefits Of Using A Water Flosser
Did you know that studies show that only 30% of adults floss on a daily basis? The number one reason that people give for not flossing is that it is so cumbersome and inconvenient. Even when we know something is good for us, it can still be so challenging to get into good habits of […]
Answers From Your Dentist: Do Crowns Cause Bad Breath?
Chances are we all can recall a time when we were alarmed by our own breath. Perhaps you still can recall that moment quite clearly. Sometimes it is a distinct smell that we can pinpoint and other times it seems to strike us out of the blue with no definite reason. It may seem strange […]
Canker Sores – A Fact Sheet From Your Dentist
Canker sores come in all different shapes and sizes. These pesky things seem to plague all of us at point or another during our lifetime. So, what is a canker sore and what causes it? We hope to dive in and answer these questions and also help you understand if your dentist can help out […]
Toothbrush Abrasion – How To Know If You’re Brushing Too Hard
Country driving at 55 mph at night can really leave your bumper and windshield a disaster with bugs! Have you ever tried scrubbing those bugs off the front of your car? If you have, you know it takes some major pressure and elbow grease to get those bugs off. Fortunately, it doesn’t take the same […]
Answers From Your Dentist: Can Tooth Enamel Be Restored?
Our bodies naturally have many self-healing properties. Remember that paper cut or canker sore that has plagued you in the past? Day-to-day, it’s easy for us to forget such things because our body naturally heals and recovers from these problems. That’s not the case for everything though and it’s especially not the case for the […]
What’s The Deal With Charcoal Toothpaste?
Did you know that the number one patient concern in the dental office is that they would like whiter teeth? We all want a smile that we can feel good about and for many of us it comes down to feeling confident about the shade of our teeth. There is no one product that fits […]
Fall Fruits & Vegetables And Their Impact On Oral Health
What comes to mind when you think about fall? If you’re like our team, you picture crisp mornings, that favorite hot drink on a cool day, hearty dinners with loved ones and perhaps a few excuses to seek out the less than healthy options. Fall doesn’t need to mean straying from making healthy choices for […]