Has your teen just received the news that they should have their wisdom teeth removed? While there never seems to be the perfect time to remove them, there are many perks to scheduling the surgery for a long weekend. Fall break is a popular time for teens to remove their wisdom teeth. For most teens, […]
Holiday Dental Decay? How to Prevent Tooth Decay.
It looks like we have fully entered the season of sweets! Halloween season kicks off the sweets, and then it just seems to keep rolling to Thanksgiving, picking up speed all the way through Christmas and the New Year! If you’re counting weeks, you will likely feel that you are battling the sugar parade for […]
Emergency Dental Care – Stop the Throbbing Pain!
Thankfully it’s not every day that you experience tooth pain, but when you have tooth pain, you know! If you’ve experienced tooth pain and throbbing, you can probably relate to how difficult it can be to get your mind off it. The good news is that it doesn’t have to stay this way. It would […]
Does Teeth Whitening Damage Teeth?
When it comes to your smile, studies show that whiter teeth really stand out and bring about the most beautiful smiles! When people whiten their teeth, not only are they viewed as looking younger, but studies also show that people appear healthier too! This is most often due to the yellowing of teeth associated with […]
How Can I Enhance My Smile?
Whether it’s the first time meeting someone or you’ve known them for years, one of the first things you share with others is your smile. Smiling is how we connect with others, and it’s also how we show emotion. Studies show that you are less likely to use your smile if you’re not confident with […]
How a Dental Crown Works
A dental crown is a “tooth cap” that can fit over the top of your tooth. It is usually a custom fit for your exact tooth to restore esthetics and function. A dental crown can restore your damaged tooth to function with just a few dental procedures. What Can A Dental Crown Fix? Dental crowns […]
Bring Out the Smile!
Does smiling bring about a happier life? The simple answer is yes! When you smile, your brain releases neuropeptides. Dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins help you fight stress. There is much that plays into you choosing to smile or even not to smile. Confidence in your smile can affect whether or not you decide to smile. […]
How to Help Your Toddler Prepare for the Dentist
The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends that you take your child to the dentist before their first birthday. While this may seem a little young, these earlier appointments are essential for both the child and parents because they help the child become comfortable with visiting the dentist. These early appointments also help educate the […]
Can I Perform Dental Scaling at Home?
DIY, also known as do-it-yourself, has made its way into many things these days. Whether you want to learn to paint, change the oil in your car, or sharpen your lawn mower blades, there is likely a video on how to do that. When you last visited your dentist, perhaps you noticed that the instrument […]
Sensitive Teeth? 13 Ways to Help Your Tooth Pain
When you have sensitive teeth, certain activities like drinking hot or cold drinks and even brushing your teeth feel painful. Usually, the sensitivity presents as a sharp pain that is sometimes referred to as a “zinger-type sensation.” The tooth pain usually disappears as quickly as it came on, but it can be annoying and uncomfortable. […]